
Open Courses

View Open Courses aims to cater to a diverse range of learners and organizations, ensuring high-quality education and innovative learning experiences.

Open Courses – How does it work? provides an open digital education platform that caters to a wide range of learners, including lifelong learners, professionals, university students, and pupils. Leveraging the German UDS’ expertise in digital teaching, the platform ensures that course content is of the highest quality.

The courses available on the encompass a diverse range of subjects, such as Big Data and AI, Cybersecurity, Internet Technologies, and Programming. These courses provide learners with valuable knowledge and skills. For more information, please visit

The German University of Digital Science actively embraces new ideas from learners, partners, its scientific staff and community, and the market. This collaborative approach allows the platform to continuously enhance its offerings and stay at the forefront of digital education.

Benefits of cost-free courses of the’s MOOCs

Do you want to take a course? Please register for free at to benefit from all learning features.

  • Open Accessibility: Many courses on are freely available and do not impose any charges or strict prerequisites on learners.
  • High Quality: courses are known for their exceptional quality, delivering meaningful, valuable, innovative, and up-to-date content.
  • Interactive Learning Community: courses foster diverse and interactive engagement within the learning community, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment
  • Flexible Learning: courses are fully online, allowing learners to access course materials and participate at their own convenience, regardless of geographical location or time constraints. This flexibility enables independent and self-paced learning